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Writer's pictureTanya McAllister Miller


Hello Everyone!

How are you all feeling? I am feeling great and accomplished. So I did a thing or two during this month of December. And with doing these things I am proud of myself. These 2 things I would have probably, never done on my own. I came on camera. Yes, right infront of the world to see (smile). To share my story and my

experiences to help bless others receive a breakthrough and to move towards their healing. I give God all the glory and honor for He is truly worthy to be praised. I thank Him for His strength and I thank Him for His push. Without the Holy Spirit living on the inside of me there are so many things I would not and could not accomplish.

But GUESS WHAT? You can do it too! What ever it is that you are afraid of moving forward in, it is your time to get it done now! If it is a God center, God ordained, God inspired endeavor, He has already placed His seal of approval on it and He is waiting to see it come to fruition. He is waiting to see His investment propsper. He is waiting for you to allow His glory to be revealed in you and through you. So come on, stand up and shine for Jesus. There are people waiting on you to RISE and WALK! Love you all!

Happy New Year!

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LaVon Featherstone
LaVon Featherstone
Dec 27, 2023

So proud of you!!!

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